Call for Abstracts
Inaugural workshop
of the Association of Analytic Metaphysics in the Italian Speaking World
18th-19th of December 2024
University of Eastern Piedmont, Vercelli (Italy)
The CALL FOR ABSTRACTS to select 8 speakers for the inaugural workshop of the Association of Analytic Metaphysics in the Italian Speaking World (AMAMI, as per the Italian acronym) is now open. We welcome submissions in the field of analytic metaphysics broadly construed, so as to include naturalized metaphysics as well as metametaphysics. Candidates must submit a short, anonymized paper, between 500 and 1000 words (including footnotes and excluding bibliography), to by Sunday, the 15th of September. The results of the selection process will be announced no later than October 15. Please include your name and the title of your paper in the body of your email. Accepted papers will be given 30-minutes for presentation followed by a 15-minute Q&A. The workshop will take place entirely in person.
Keynote speakers
Kit Fine (New York University)
Matteo Morganti (Università Roma Tre)
Elisa Paganini (Università degli Studi di Milano)
Jessica Wilson (University of Toronto Scarborough)
Venue: Palazzo del Rettorato (Sala Conferenze), Via Duomo 6, Vercelli 13100 VC
Scientific Committee: Valia Allori, Margherita Benzi, Andrea Bottani, Claudio Calosi, Massimiliano Carrara, Ciro De Florio, Aldo Frigerio, Simone Gozzano, Samuele Iaquinto, Giorgio Lando, Filippo Mancini, Cristina Meini, Vittorio Morato, Luca Moretti, Giuseppe Spolaore, Giuliano Torrengo, Alessandro Torza
Organizing Committee: Claudio Calosi, Samuele Iaquinto, Filippo Mancini, Giuliano Torrengo, Alessandro Torza
The workshop is supported by Bando Ricerca UPO 2022 (Project ID: 1072612; CUP: C15F21001720001), funded by the European Commission (Next Generation EU) and Compagnia di San Paolo, and by Bando PRIN 2022 PNRR (Project ID: P20225A73K; CUP: C53D23009020001), funded by the European Commission (Next Generation EU).
Under the auspices of